Responsible Tourism
We want you to love and enjoy The White Mountains as much as we do, and we ask you to join us in treating our beautiful environment with the respect and care it deserves. We believe that the memories you make here will be cherished for years to come. It is up to each one of us to assure this amazing opportunity is here for future generations to experience.

There's just something so relaxing about a campfire. Just don't forget these important Campfire safety rules:
Never burn a when it's windy.
Never leave your fire unattended; an adult should supervise the campfire at all times.
Keep a bucket of water and shovel nearby.
When it's time to put the fire out, dump lots of water on it, stir it with a shovel, then dump more water on it. Make sure it is COLD before leaving the campsite. If it's too hot to touch, it's too hot to leave!

Stay on the Trail
Don’t step off trail unless you absolutely must when yielding. Going off trail can damage or kill certain plant or animal species, and can hurt the ecosystems that surround the trail.
Always practice Leave No Trace principles: Leave rocks, vegetation, and artifacts where you find them for others to enjoy.
If there are people coming up behind you just step aside—typically to the right—and let them pass.

ATV Code of the Trail
On your next ATV adventure make sure to ride in a way that doesn't hurt the trail, the plants or the animal habitats. If you come across a wild animal, give them a wide berth the same as you would if you were on foot.
Be sure to use trails designated for ATVs.
Be mindful of all posted speed limits.
Don't use private roads or properties.
You can pick up a trail map at the Pinetop-Lakeside Visitor Center.

Do Not Disturb Mode On.
Everybody needs a little personal space, including the wildlife. Don’t get too close and don’t leave the trail to try to get a closer look. Most importantly, Don't try to feed them.

Pack it in, Pack it out.
Make sure to take all your trash home with you. Keep Mother Nature beautiful & the wildlife safe.
If you need to dispose of trash, please visit the Pinetop-Lakeside Collection Center. Do not dump trash in private receptacles.

Nature's Quiet Time
Playing loud music or just even just being loud is definitely interrupting someone's peace & quiet, whether it's other hikers or the wildlife. Make sure to be considerate of your surroundings while out enjoying the views